Here are the steps necessary to post a successful API request to the SnowShoe API with Postman.

  1. Create a new request in Postman
  2. Set the HTTP verb to POST
  3. Set the request URL to
  4. Select the Headers tab
  5. Create a new header with the key Content-Type and the value application/json
  6. Create a second header with the key SnowShoe-Api-Key and set the value to your API Key (found in the client portal under the Settings of your application)
  1. Select the Body tab
  2. Set the body type radio button to raw and select JSON in the drop down to the right
  3. Use the below JSON value to submit a DEVA stamp serial test
    "data": [[264,172],[267,371],[242,286],[69,375],[66,221]]
  1. Click the Send button to post the request