This section will get you up and running quickly with a fully functional SnowShoe project. We suggest you read the best practices guide to ensure an optimal experience for your users. After getting your keys and secrets by creating an application on SnowShoe's platform, a full integration with the SnowShoe API usually involves three parts:

  1. Gather the stamp data from a mobile device after a user "stamps" the screen and submit it to your backend server
  2. Have your backend server send the data to the SnowShoe API for authentication as an OAuth wrapped POST request.
  3. Handle the API response (either a success or error) and do something unique for the user (like, deliver a secret asset!).

For part 3, success/errors can be handled either in your front-end (via AJAX and a callback) or, more typically, in your backend after the response is received.

If you have yet to create an account or SnowShoe application, please visit Creating a SnowShoe Application.


SnowShoe Experience Builder

If you are not a developer and want to create a demo, please see our article Create a Demo Application Without Coding.